Not selling Hallmark products? We're here to help.
If you are looking to start a new business or want to offer more products in your current store, we will help you find the solution that perfectly fits your needs.
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If you are looking to start a new business or want to offer more products in your current store, we will help you find the solution that perfectly fits your needs.
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Be part of our growing franchise network with your very own Hallmark Gold Crown® store.
Install a Gold Crown® department (i.e. boutique) in your existing retail store.
A concept offering a small assortment of products. Suitable for retailers who would like to offer Hallmark products in their current store, but have a smaller footprint.
Become a Gold Crown Franchisee
En tant que franchisé Hallmark Couronne d’Or®, vous ferez partie d’un des réseaux de magasins de détail spécialisés les plus anciens d’Amérique du Nord. Le programme de magasins Couronne d’Or® a été officialisé en 1986, en tant que magasin phare de la marque Hallmark. Nous réalisons que, dans le marché concurrentiel actuel, l’expérience client est primordiale. C’est la raison pour laquelle nous ciblons 3 éléments de l’expérience client :
Un soutien exceptionnel qui inclut le programme de fidélisation exclusif Hallmark Rewards, un appui de la part du Service immobilier et de design des magasins (agencement de magasin) des conseils d’un spécialiste dévoué du développement des affaires, et des initiatives de marketing à l’échelle nationale.
Increase customer traffic to your store by offering exclusive Hallmark Gold Crown® products and programs , including the exclusive Hallmark Rewards loyalty program.
Interested retailers must be willing to invest in the concept to deliver the seamless customer experience our Gold Crown® customers have come to expect. This includes the location and appearance of the department and displays, a dedicated team of employees, event marketing and a social media presence. Locations must meet minimum footfall requirements, and must be geographically and financially viable to sustain business operations.
This is the perfect solution for retailers who want to offer Hallmark branded core products to meet their customers' social expression needs.
The product range includes greeting cards, packaging items, stationery, card boxes and decorations.
Retailers must be prepared to meet minimum footprint requirements in order to meet consumer expectations regarding price and product mix.